This paper presents the findings of a preliminary investigation into the comparative career progression of female and male Irish Chartered Accountants.
- Published Research Articles
- Published Research ArticlesThis paper presents the findings of an empirical study of the application of 'Decision Support Systems' to the work of management accountants.
- Published Research ArticlesThe paper is based on the tax shelter view of pensions and, as a result, it examines the influence of wealth factors, especially marginal tax rate, on the pension decision.
- Published Research ArticlesThe paper looks at two main elements of the admissions policy into Irish universities, the CAO preferences and points. Additionally, the impact of prior accounting studies on performance is investigated.
- Published Research ArticlesThis paper examines the relation between stock returns and volatility, using Irish market data.
- Published Research ArticlesEmpirical research is carried out into the accounting treatments adopted by clubs in Scotland in respect of costs connected with their players. Then, three valuation methodologies are identified and evaluated.
- Published Research ArticlesThis paper investigates the accounting theory and practice in the preparation of interim financial statements with particular reference to the current regulatory framework contained within the Stock Exchange requirements.
- Published Research ArticlesThis paper explores the forces motivating changes to accounting education in the United States, the types of changes needed, and the reactions of universities to the need for change.